Voices In The Wilderness
It is always nice to hear from people, whether they are customers or not. Some time ago I was contacted by a photographer who had taken the photograph that I used as the basis for my Screaming Jay Hawkins T-Shirt. He was very complimentary about my design (which is always gratifying to hear) and took the time to offer a little background about the photograph and his experiences of meeting Screaming Jay. He was even kind enough to send along a few extra photographs I had never seen before.
Just recently I received a message from none other than Bobby Beausoleil. I have to admit that it came as a real bolt from the blue but, as before, I was delighted to find that Bobby, and his assistant, were both very friendly and have even been so kind as to feature my Bobby Beausoleil Lucifer Rising T-Shirt on their website. So in thanks, why not go over and visit the official website. There you can find tons of info about Bobby's musical projects and his stellar artworks. Or for those wanting an instant introduction, you can find the excellent Lucifer Rising soundtrack for sale on his site, or to listen via stream on Spotify.